Book Review: A Mirror of America

We all know what happened in 2016 during the Presidential Election of Donald Trump. But do we know WHY it happened? There was plenty of speculation to go around for sure. But Mark Jabbour’s book Election 2016: The Great Divide, The Great Debate explains it on so many different levels that it becomes clear there … Continue reading Book Review: A Mirror of America

Cortez the Killer: smash or pass

Recently I saw a classical musician's reaction to Neil Young's Cortez the Killer. Water filled my eyes. The song has always been one of my all time favorites. Young broke it out on his 1975 album Zuma. It is about Cortez, Moetezuma II, war and peace. In the 16th Century! Seems relevant given the state of … Continue reading Cortez the Killer: smash or pass

Fall Frenzy: 2023 version

Fall Frenzy 2023 has gone crazy compared to 2022. Let's get into it. I've taken to visual aids. Old school. No computer or AI generated images for yours truly. Below is a "map" of this year's version of Fall Frenzy. Dominating all else is the Israel / Hamas war. These people are out of their … Continue reading Fall Frenzy: 2023 version

Anger and the Road to Hell

is a chapter in my book Election 2016: The Great Divide, The Great Debate. I am now in the process of republishing it. Because it is especially relevant now, even more so than when I wrote it. Moreover, "things" have gotten worse. Why? is a great question. The book takes a shot at answering that. Election 2016 … Continue reading Anger and the Road to Hell

The Hatred of Donald Trump

The hatred of Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, can be explained by the ego defense mechanism Reaction Formation. Let's get into it. Reaction Formation is simply the hatred of that which you fear you need, or want. It is a Freudian, psycho-analytic concept. It combines repression of unmet desire with projection. … Continue reading The Hatred of Donald Trump

Security or Adventure: Thunder Pass

Sunday's writing prompt from WordPress was: Are you seeking security or adventure? Which is a good question worth thinking/writing about. However, it reminded me of a chapter in my last book Election 2016 wherein I titled a short chapter  "Thunder Pass". Because, as I saw things then, that was one way of looking at the choice … Continue reading Security or Adventure: Thunder Pass

Book Tropes In Real Life

Book tropes are many. As also is the trope in film. But how-about in real life? This post was inspired by Sheri Dye's post at Read Betwixt Words. Of course I've twisted it because that's who I am and have always been. I'm incapable of following directions or answering questions without adding something of my … Continue reading Book Tropes In Real Life

Worst Book of the Year 2022

is Maggie Haberman's: Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America. Because it, this book, is representative of what has broken America. It is the descent of Journalism and Media into a confabulation of confirmation bias and rationalization, "humble bragging", gaslighting, and all other manner of self-serving distortions and delusion. Or as Consent … Continue reading Worst Book of the Year 2022

Fall Frenzy 2022: Baseball

So now it begins in earnest: Fall Frenzy 2022, after all that nonsense during the COVID years. I'm excited - the New York Yankees are in their usual spot, positioned to make a run at a world championship. So is my brother's team, the LA Dodgers. However, the Dodgers weren't always from Los Angeles, California. … Continue reading Fall Frenzy 2022: Baseball

Neil Young, Spotify, Joe Rogan, and Donald Trump

Yes it's true - they're linked. I've always been a huge fan of Neil Young. For over fifty years, and it's also true that I kind of take offense about all the jokes going around. About how we Boomers don't have a clue about Spotify, because we're so old and the streaming music service is … Continue reading Neil Young, Spotify, Joe Rogan, and Donald Trump